Sanctuary of the Clans - ~SotC~
Guild Master
To join a guild with open member slots, you will need to ask one of the officers to send you an invitation.
12 (+5)
Guild Description
As you pull open the large double doors a magnificent sight greets your eyes; nine colossal pillars arranged in a semicircle with the middle one set a bit forward from the rest. Though broken and ruined they still prove to be a moving edifice to behold. On each pillar an image depicts what it represents and controls, they are an eternal reminder of the forces that govern this world. There are steps that lead up to the platform upon which the pillars rest, sitting on them is a curious skeletal wraith like being with deep blue skin and cloven feet and hands. His posture, with legs drawn up, hands folded and close to his face with his nose nearly resting on them, tells you he is reflecting deeply on something. As you approach he turns his head to gaze at you, your eyes meet for a moment and you are astounded to find that his eyes can have such an intense look when they are nothing but a brilliant bluish-white light in otherwise hollow orbs. He regards you carefully and nods slightly before he speaks. “Welcome. Welcome to this once wonderful and beautiful place. Welcome to the nightmare it has become. Welcome to Nosgoth and the seat of the once mighty empire that ruled over it; the Sanctuary of the Clans.”

Greetings denizens of Estiah. I am the Reaver of Souls, but you may call me Raz. If you’d like an invitation to the guild, please PM me and I will be most mirthful to send you one.